The Waltons: Homecoming (2021 TV Movie)
Poor Acting
29 November 2021
The original, 50 years ago, I watched at least a dozen or more times, over the years. Here is the problem comparing the two. First, the house in this episode looked like a mansion for 1933. The original movie they lived poorer, like the real 1933, and lived in a cabin. Secondly, the original version showed the strain of possibly losing the husband and bread winner, on the face of the wife, Libby. She would be forced to raise them children without much. This new movie did not capture the worry on the face of the wife or children when John Sr was missing. Lastly, the beautiful house was well furnished with nice paintings. Sure didn't remind me of a depression era. The actors did their part without much feelings. They should never have done a remake. Let the original live on.
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