12 Days of Christmas Eve: New Age Redemption Story
15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This charming film combines elements of 'Groundhog Day' as well as Charles Dicken's classic book, 'A Christmas Tale', to create a modern New-Age style redemption story.

A self-centered materialistic type-A business man is met with death after a successful (in his view) day of wooing a Brazilian businesswoman to complete a deal with his company on Christmas Eve. As the movie progresses he continually dies in various ways after repeating the same Christmas Eve day over and over. He is met with a kind of spirit guide disguised as a no-nonsense nurse who helps him to 'be his best self' by learning new lessons through each death until he eventually 'perfects' himself and is granted permission to continue living into the future.

Combining elements of Buddhistic Karma as well as Catholic purgatory this movie tries to sell the idea that it is up to us to save ourselves through our own good works. The idea is that it is possible to redeem ourselves is popular in modern American pop-culture and is continually hoisted upon us as truth. In this 'reality' we become our own god that can learn and determine our own redemption.

Here are some thoughts for the adept viewer:

The problem with the world-view portrayed is that there is no real evidence that reincarnation is true. By watching these movies we can trick ourselves into thinking that reincarnation is true without investigating it for ourselves.

How can the effort of self-improvement leading to redemption be credited to the main character if it is obviously the nurse character who is guiding and manipulating him? Ultimately the main characters 'redemption' is guided by his selfish desire to stay alive. The reality is, is that all human beings are selfish and sinful. We seek after our own benefit above all else and cannot ultimately redeem ourselves. We need an all-powerful being outside of our existence, who is Holy, to redeem us from our sin trap. This is the reality as put forth by the Bible.
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