The Witcher: What Is Lost (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Feels a lot like the first season (in good and bad)
17 December 2021
There's one thing I realized watching this episode.

When done well, this divergence from the source material can be quite exciting and interesting. Fresh, for the lack of a better word.

However, it proves time and time again to be a tough feat for shows of any caliber. This series is no exception.

After the previous episode, this was better. Compared to the first episode of the season, which was brilliant, this isn't very close. I'm starting to see that this show is not going to follow the established story as much as I had thought it would and that I probably shouldn't think or expect that it does.

It's just so hard to shake this off feeling, when something happens that does not happen -- and could not happen -- in the books. You have this image in your head and it's so hard to reset that to get the proper experience with this show. You end up comparing the two and that's really just unfair to the show.

There were odd choices and head-scratching moments -- such as how they chose to deal with the whole leshen thing (seriously, what was the point of all that if it ended like this?), or the end of the episode (seriously, absolutely nobody chasing after them?), or the fact that a significant plot point in this episode was based on the idea that somebody killing someone else absolutely means they can not be a spy -- but at least this episode felt more substantial and entertaining, if nothing more.

Be it as it may, I'm basing my rating in relation to the first episode of the season. This episode felt very much like the first season did. In good and bad. Mostly good, which I reflect in the rating. It's a shame I can't say there was something great though. Well, maybe the environments and some of the shots, those were amazing at times.

So far the first episode has been the highlight and the rest has not impressed. That is not to say it has been bad, though. Almost halfway through the season and we don't have much to show for it, but it's had its moments.

But there's plenty of time to get somewhere. I choose to have high hopes for what comes next.
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