mrs basil f
17 December 2021
Rare kid film that's actually charming rather than just cute. Director Fielder Cook and scenarist/adapter Blanche Hanalis make the wise decision to focus largely on Claudia and her kid brother Jamey rather than do what a lesser film would and cut away to the worried parents (especially considering that the dad is played by veteran scenery chomper, Richard Mulligan). This pays off 'cause Sally Praeger is a really good actor and invests her dreamy, frustrated, intelligent twelve year old with equal parts likability and pathos. Indeed Praeger is so good that she manages to hold her own in the final scenes with Ingrid Bergman and when you are up against a Hollywood legend doing her usual fine work and not disappearing then you're a better than average young thesp. Wonder whatever happened to Praeger? Gonna Google her as soon as I'm done with this review. Hopefully she had a decent adult career or if she left acting then it was by choice. And as far as her little brother is concerned the actor playing him, Johnny Doran, with Cook's help I imagine, manages to stay just on the right side of too adorable. So, if you're a kid who likes kid films or, like me, in their second childhood and not in the mood for Abel Ferrara, and you can, as I did, wrap your mind around the story concept of the world's greatest art museum hiring the world's most inept security then you will, as I did, have a pretty fun time watching this one. B plus.

PS...Coulda used a bit more of Madeleine Kahn.

PSS...Wonder if the international food court at Macy's still offers free samples? Hell, I wonder if Macy's still has an international food court?
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