You can keep the head...
25 December 2021
Too much sluggish filler of hippies doing jack-all of interest in this virtually ramshackle hang-out film with a lot going on, yet going nowhere fast. You know having a good time (mingling, drinking, smoking, singing and etc) when they should be repairing a Wild West ranch that has a deadline, or tripping balls when on day for night strolls encountering the headless horseman. Not enough of the cackling headless horseman splashing blood on (upset) people as he dangles his severed head. Then the narrator would begin to talk and come off sounding like Bobby 'monster mash' Pickett. Quite a distraction when the song kept lingering in my mind whenever he spoke. Although helping you from completely dozing off was the erratic music score with its random, and often sudden electronic internet dial-up bursts. It didn't feel out of place, since everything right down to the performances and direction is beyond creaky. By the end it turns into a lousy Scooby Doo episode with accusations flying around, and the zany motivation spill of the dastardly suspect. And they would have got away with it, if not for those meddling hippies.

Would make a good companion piece with Howling 7... that's if you dare.
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