The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
The first modern zombie series with a lot of potential that could not be exploited
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of this series reflects EVERYTHING we would like to see in a zombie film production

Seasons 2 to 5/6 were about rick's group escaping and meeting antagonists in "bases" with whom they had to see how to get ahead and end up facing death to win, there were some interesting dilemmas, when it seemed that everything was going to finish, a new antagonist came out, and everything continued in an endless loop.

The dialectic with Hershel and his house, The Governor and Negan (in addition to the cannibals who dress as zombies) or the people who live in the garbage, the feminist base that does not accept men, TERMINUS who are murderers of humans, Daryl when he It goes with the "claim boys", there are many moments where the series gives a little more oxygen but does not innovate beyond that it leaves us thinking about how it is going to solve that crossroads since if we thought about that situation ourselves, we would probably die or a miracle should save us or a big mistake on the part of our antagonist (which, in an almost ridiculous way, happen, logically to save the protagonists and thus continue the show).

This series was to have 6-8 seasons, no more, it put a huge amount of filler to fill.
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