Finally reality shown
8 January 2022
A really solid movie that didn't sugar-coat what forcing feelings and expectations into someone else and the relationship shared with said person, and mostly ended with a complete explanation on why most people fail at having a real relationship, a healthy one mostly... because of reciprocity always lacking of course.

Here, we had Tom actually in real need to figure out his own self and be more honest with himself and people surrending him before pretending to be real and sincere with someone else; and the comparison of the way he abordes Summer for the first time and the way he did with the second girl one the 500 days of Summer finally have came to an end was fabulously talkative of it. From his very first lines of dialogue, I thought I was facing a Ted Mosby bis, therefore perfectly aware about the fact I would have to follow a quite intense delusional guy through the entirety of the movie, and let's say I didn't get disappointed on that one.

Here, we follow someone completely out of touch with himself, until in denial : his real desires and aspirations in life, what really could and would fulfill him etc. The fact that so many people based their views of love through contents media offers us since day one - meaning music/books/movies/TV shows and so many others - well, it does explain why so many people never have experienced a real healthy relationship, and sadly might never, and I'm not talking exclusively about the romantic ones. Why so many people relationships end in complete debacle. Objectively, this movie offers us a really consistent happy ending, however in real life let's say that majority never succeed yo quit that vicious circle destroying and sabotaging themselves and all the relationships they would have, until their professional life.

That movie perfectly portrays how someone expectations would never align with reality, and actually thanks God, if that's the beauty of it. Nothing's written or predestined, we are at the helm of our own destiny and the ones (significant other AND friends) really good for us and that we really are going to be good for, they'll come to us naturally, simply by getting out of our comfortable zone and actually be honest about what we desire with the person and give it a try, again in any type of relationship with a peer. And so, in the romantic ones, the one we choose and we are chosen by for living our life as a team, and built together, well the built of your own person and same for your SO ones should not be sacrificed over it, in the contrary it should compliment it... and when you click, you click, chemistry can't be forced, neither feelings. They just come, you're not supposed to condition them into it, if not you're rather living what majority of people are living: conditional love, the ultimate illusion of what real love really is, knowing that real love is unconditional and selfless, and if you're lucky enough to meet that person you'll knew it, no explanation would be needed. No need to put it on faith, mystical signs, destiny or whatever. It will the one for you because, just because. Aside romantic relationships, you love someone because of the said person been herself, regardless of any other conditions involved, that's what real love is, an sane a sincere one. Hence falling in love goes like that as well: two souls meeting and connecting, almost immediately, endless entanglement of two essences, only fuel needed to love that person: her existence and her full happiness regardless how, and with whom... and all that be reciprocated at the same degree.

That's what loving and been in love is and that movie portrayed it perfectly, therefore I'm really thankful to have randomly stumbled on it and would recommend it to anyone in search of the realness of the beauty of what real love could be if finally decided to let go of those dull flat and tasteless fairytales media stuck us with since childhood.
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