Review of Pleasure

Pleasure (2021)
Very Difficult To Watch - Even For Anyone Who's Into Porn
12 January 2022
I am very open-minded when it comes to the subject matter of this movie and I do agree with many others that Sofia Kappel was actually remarkably good in this, especially for a first timer.

Although I have no personal problem with porn at all, it is the exploitation of those such as the Bella character in this movie that gives me cause for concern. Of course there are those who will say that viewers of porn are a large part of the problem. However, it is those who are actually in the porn industry who must bear the shame of the exploitation that obviously occurs there.

This is not a bad movie by any means. But it was strange to me at least that the producers of the movie seemingly had little problem with showing the male actors in full naked detail while very largely keeping away from nudity among the female characters.

I didn't mind the movie apart from the nastiness of some of think are called the "Gonzo" scenes depicted but it is not actually a movie that I'm ever very likely to seek out again.

6/10 from me.
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