Don't Look Up (2021)
Overlong but very funny and skewers a whole bunch of people!
18 January 2022
Starts with a good few laugh-out-loud gags of a Simpsonesque kind. Loses its way for a while with a dearth of giggles, and then roars back ripping it out of all the ignorant fools imaginable.

The MAGA mob? Check. Climate change deniers? Check. Conspiracy theorists? Check. COVIDiots? Check. And, most of all, mendacious, self-serving, populist politicians and tycoons, CHECK CHECK CHECK!

I can see just glancing through the reviews here that some of the aforementioned are mortally offended. Well if the cap fits...

"Don't Look Up" as a polical slogan nails it: it's coming, it's gonna destroy us all, it's right above your head - but Don't Look Up, just pretend there's nothing there.

As an antidote to this I particularly enjoyed Ariana Grande's "Just Look Up" song (which I can't quote here because it'd get my review blocked). It deserves to become an anthem.
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