Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Cardassians (1993)
Season 2, Episode 5
Don't do it again!
28 January 2022
An orphaned Cardassian boy arrives on DS9.

This episode unravels a reasonably good mystery with some great Cardassian political manoeuvring and strong character moments.

We have seen plenty of good Bajoran politics on Deep Space Nine so this feels like a strong entry for the Cardassians. I like how the writers never demonise any particular species, but they really portray those with ambitions for power in each society as the true villains. Marc Alaimo is superb and it's good to see more of Gul Dukat.

The story unfolds as a decent investigation with some great character moments. I think this is only the second episode in which Garak makes a big contribution and Andrew Robinson entertains in every scene. This for me is the best episode for Dr Bashir (so far) and we start to see some of Alexander Siddig's potential.

One of my favourite scenes is when Bashir interrupts Sisko talking to Dukat on screen, plus Sisko's reaction after. Plus when Garak goes to Bajor he is very memorable.

Both Avery Brooks and Colm Meaney do good work here.
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