A Winter Getaway (2021 TV Movie)
A unique story that proves that kindred spirits attract one another, and what's meant to be it'll be, regardless of life's challenges or one's insecurities.
28 January 2022
Nazneen Contractor and Brooks Darnell have always given stellar, believable performances with ease and class.

Their connection is effortless in this movie!

Brooks is so likable and enjoyable to watch as an honest to goodness, trustworthy, cool, but humble, and sweet male lead.

Nazneen conveys a gorgeous inner strength, but yet so much warmth and realness to her character.

What a refreshingly unique plot, with unexpected outcomes (compared to what we're used to in many other Hallmark classics). They kept me engaged and wanting to know what would come next. It was beautifully shot, with stunning landscapes that made me feel I was vacationing along with them. Yes, loud music in the end, but can't pick apart an entire good movie for a small mistake.

However, don't expect to have the same type of experience if you stop a movie a hundred times.

If you didn't even gave it all your attention, please don't post a public review as it is not fair to the movie nor to all who worked in it.

There are still some universal themes; we can all relate to the love of family, finding true love, shared values that make us closer, to fighting for your dreams, etc.

These universal themes, human experiences and values, and happy endings are the reason people look forward to see these movies every season, and year. However, unique story lines allow us to escape into other people's lifestyles and experiences. This movie had both familiarity and uniqueness, which is rare to achieve or see these days.

It's a shame some people are so biased, they cannot bring themselves to rate films with minority leads or cast fairly, and they even dare to leave back handed compliments that do nothing, but show their biases very clearly.

You liked it, it surprised you, it's a good movie, but you still rate it low? Hmmm. Oh, and then there's the plain old haters who seem to leave an untrue or mean spirited comment, just to do damage. Not cool! We see you too, and that's wrong!

I invite open minded people, who see everyone as "human beings" first and foremost, to give themselves the opportunity to watch this and other hallmark movies with minority leads and cast, and rate them in a fair, objective, and unbiased way, as it should be.

I'm very pleased with this beautiful movie, and others done since 2020, which have shown classy, and culturally diverse stories that celebrate family and love in all its forms.

Please have Brooks and Nazneen back in many more films!

Bravo to Hallmark for making a commitment to be a network that employs diverse casts and champions inclusion! Please continue to do so always, and continue making beautiful movies! Lord knows our nation needs to see our stories, our children need to see themselves represented in people who look like them, and our actors need the platform and the opportunities.

I celebrate and support them all! Bravo!
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