Review of Jockey

Jockey (2021)
A Colossal Bore, Skip This Tripe!
1 February 2022

This movie was just terrible from start to finish, it is just difficult to know where to start. To be frank it was a movie that didn't need to be made at all. Filmmaker tell stories and there just didn't seem to be any story of note worth telling here!

Firstly a movie needs to educate, entertain or inform, this movie failed on all three counts. Secondly all drama is a compression of reality over conflict, this lacked any compression, it seemed practically in real time and as for conflict there was none.

We had scene after scene that rattled off lists of injuries that the different jockeys had sustained, how is this a script. Unsurprisingly jockeys get injured, an unremarkable observation that could be made of any physical endeavour from sport to lumberjack.

Shock horror jockeys have a working life and retire, we all do that.

The dialogue was mundane in the extreme, nothing was discussed except injuries, horses, the next race and trainers. This sad bunch of peoples down time was merely spend drinking themselves to oblivion. This didn't seem a life worth living so why did they bother at all, why not make different life choices.

The "potential" story of a son that wasn't, was so badly handled it was like a film school project that scored a D minus.

The acting was pedestrian, the dialogue banal with unvarying cinematography and the whole thing bagged and sagged, lugubriously lurching from one clunky scene to the next. It had a similar tone to Nomadland, another movie that needn't have been made.

Lastly if we wanted reality or authenticity then this should be served in a documentary format, this movie was neither fish nor foul and stunk to high heaven.

This is a weak 1 outta 10, meaning a colossal bore no one should watch.
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