The Lucky One (2012)
Zac-a-roni Doodle Dandy
2 February 2022
I'm glad I didn't read the plot line/synopsis prior to viewing. I also had no idea who the actors were. I find that it is easier to hold an open mind about the story, actors' abilities--appropriately cast--to bring life to the script, and then a director who knows what he/she wants from each actor.

The story as told held my attention. The cinematography for the scenes where Logan has powerful lines--not just the delivery but the stance, the lighting, etc.--which imparted an even more dramatic punch. I found the character of Logan very likeable. The protagonists, the antagonists, whatever, had just enough despicable-ness to bring the audience along in detesting a character without going so far as to hate them. Zac Efron studied this role and the character, delivering a most convincing performance. Overall, the script, the actors, and the director(s) shared a symbiotic relationship which resulted in a fine movie.

There aren't enough movies where truths are told about the horrors of war. We take our liberties for granted. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women have shed blood to protect our democracy. These are the real heroes of keeping our democracy alive and protecting it at any cost. Zac spun a very believable tale of those who re-live the painful post-war traumatic stress. The end was worth the wait--and I'm glad I didn't open my present before Christmas.
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