Launchpad: Dinner Is Served (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Beginning was interesting, end was poor
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was interesting enough, and I appreciated that they didn't take the easy out of making Allen the bad guy -- I pretty much assumed he was going to be mean and biased. But the ending? There was no point to what he did. At first I thought he was going to show that he was an amazing singer or something (which had nothing to do with the problem) or sing something that made a point. But if no one there understood the words, it really helped in no way, and probably only lowered everyone's opinion of him. I mean, if he either stood up and announced that he wasn't taking the job because of what happened, fine. Or if he took it and maybe showed them he actually WAS the right person for the job? But no... He just ended up looking silly and unfit for the position, probably making it harder for the next international student who might apply.
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