Robin Hood (2018)
Meaningless cheap entertainment
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I kept noticing weird things in this movie.

The girl with full make up on, done eyebrows and bright lipstick, showing half her boobs, at a time when only prostitutes would walk around like this? Okay, I told myself, in Hollywood movies, women have to look sexy, be covered in makeup and have their hair done impeccably in every single scene, and to hell with historical accuracy.

Then she frolics around with her lover without being married, which would be absolutely unthinkable at the time, but oh well.

Then he goes to war in "Arabia" and meets John. I like Jamie Foxx, and he's probably the best thing in the entire movie, but why can't they hire an Arab actor to play, like, you know, an Arab? Instead we have an African-American with a thick American accent who can't even pronounce Insha Allah. Okay. I told myself that US American movies are known for that, casting US American actors to play foreigners, with ridiculous accents. Oh well.

Robin gets physical against his commanding officer and is sent back to England. But instead of being imprisoned and judged for treason, he's free to run around as he pleases. Okay.

And the other guy, instead of being beheaded like the other prisoners, manages to get on the ship and finds himself where? In Nottingham. Such a coincidence. Okay.

Then we see the Mines. The Mines? What Mines? Anyway. For a moment, I thought I was in Lord of the Rings, cause the mines look like Mordor. Whoops, wrong movie.

At that point, I gave up and tried to enjoy the movie for what it is : nothing really logical or historically accurate, just some lighthearted fun.

There was a lot of silly action. Futuristic costumes and sets. Batman meets Lord of the Rings. Robin plays the double faced game like Zorro. Friar Tuck was a breath of fresh air. I liked the music. The villains were very very villainous. Batman meets Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars. Noble hearted Marian whom I always admired as a kid turns out to be unfaithful.

I didn't even care anymore. I felt bored and found myself fast forwarding through the movie. Then it's the end.

Basically a big pile of rubbish.
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