Review of Nobody

Nobody (I) (2021)
Bob Odenkirk as a badass? I kinda like it!
19 February 2022
I'm going to keep this short and sweet. The movie plot, about a mild-mannered accountant that used to be a badass and reluctantly get dragged back in to solve wrongs, is a plot point done to death. However, it is also a plot that I love because it's usually carte blance to open a can of whup-ass.

And that's exactly what it is! Bob Odenkirk, the guy who auditioned for Michael freakin' Scott in the Office series, and is a low-level dark comedy dude, is placed in a John Wick style situation? HELL YES. I absolutely also adored his chemistry with Christopher Lloyd (that guy chews up scenery in the best ways) and the action scenes are absolutely enjoyable. I especially like how the movie doesn't plod too long for him to "convert" back to his badass side.

Go watch it. I even bought a physical DVD release of this, for goodness sakes. The only criticisim is that it's clear Bob doesn't have the martial arts training that Keanu displays in John Wick, and some moments of comedy are a little cringey. But hey - that's the whole fun of it! Imperfect but jolly jolly fun movie.
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