A bond between father and son
23 February 2022
A soon-to-be beloved classic that appeals to psychological horror and romance fans alike, The Greasy Strangler offers fun for the whole family while still appealing to the older crowd. The movie rewrites the genre as the greats before it have - from Citizen Cane and Casablanca, to Apocalypse Now, the Greasy Strangler has cemented its place in cinematic history among other masterpieces. It's familiar story hides beneath it a cornucopia of suspense, drama, sorrow, and pure unadulterated sexiness that is rare to find in contemporary Hollywood. The Greasy Strangler reinvents the wheel, but also steers it competently in one of the boldest, bravest, and most beautiful examples of cinematography we personally have ever seen. Roll over Kubrick, Tarantino, and Nolan; director Jim Hosking has claimed all of your crowns. Witness this spectacular experience of humanity and pure will while you still can.
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