25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was not very good. Anna's accent was terrible and I could hardly stand to hear her talk. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard. The acting was mediocre and I don't like political jabs taken when none are warranted. This was not a political film and it was unnecessary and mean to lump President Trump in with con artists.. The combined IQ of NY's elite looks to be about 65. You can't even cash a check without ID, so I question the intelligence of those that were conned, especially the bankers. Who goes on vacation with someone and pays a $60,000 hotel bill for them? Then to glorify the criminal just makes it worse. This was one of those series that I didn't pause when I had to leave the room . I didn't care about any of these characters. They were all selfish. I don't recommend the movie.
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