Film Fest (2020)
Good main actors, wasted on a "rough draft"/"needs a lot more punching up" feel of a script
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There were a few amusing points, and Matt Cook, Diona Reasonover and Will Sasso were all great in their roles, but they deserve better material. The film felt like a pretty "by the numbers" sit-com stretched out to 90 minutes, with cliche things like the girlfriend not coming, the boyfriend then deciding to cheat, and then SURPRISE the girlfriend shows and walks over right as the "other woman" is basically spilling the beans. And then the BIG WINK of the final scene/line about no one wanting to see a movie about a trip to a film festival.

For a funnier, more entertaining look at making a small budget movie, I would recommend the 2019 graphic novel "Penny Nichols" by MK Reed and Greg Means.
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