Why have I watched this trilogy for the third time in three months
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review of the six movies making up two trilogy series Both my wife and I loved these six movies having now seen it three times in a short space of time Under two months The Below review has been posted on each of the films for anyone just jumping into this three movie show If you planning to watch this film please read below to see where it all starts Go back and watch A Christmas prince first hand it's two sequels then start on these three movies

I just want to say one thing to sum up this Trilogy It's not actually a Trilogy but a double Trilogy made up of two parts Although one can watch the two trilogies independently because they are both stand alone's there is a thread running through the two trilogies that link them together To gain more insight into the six movies one has to start with this one Once you have seen this movie the next one A Christmas Prince: the Royal Wedding is next After that the A Christmas Prince: the Royal Baby must be watched

But it doesn't end there We now start on the second Triology called the Princesses Switch Also made of of three movies The Princess Switch The Princess Switch Again And finally The Princess Switch 3 : Romancing the Star There are extreme references in the second Trilogy to the first lot I'm not going to reveal what they are so as not to spoil the movies and encourage you to watch the two shows Let's. Just say I'm addicted to this series I mean why watch these six movies three times each in under two months and throughly enjoy them each time even knowing the two story lines Of all the movies I have watched this collection is the only one that I have done it with and most certainly not within a two month viewing span I admit I am a repeat offender I do rewatch movies again and again Reason being is that knowing what's going to happen gives a person insight as to why people do what they do to reach their final destination

The first three are in a more serious vein Very good and very interesting The second three take a more light hearted approach to the series It's more of a romp than a serious three But that is where the fun really starts You have two identical people, one coming from nobility, the other a New York street smart woman who both share the same features They decide to swop roles and try each others life style with surprises galore There are several movies with the same plot line The Prince and The Pauper The Parent Trap Monte Carlo There might be others but the last three movies can also be related to a very popular TV SERIES The movie with the same name was crap The TV Series was brilliant The name of the TV series is BEWITCHED and starting with The Princesses Switched Again the same situation occurs A independent woman and a wacky cousin Except in this case there are three roles played with a-plume but Vanessa Hudgens Two serious and one Wacky

How she manages to master all three diverse roles is beyond belief Each character she takes on has their own brand of personality totally different from the other two roles In fact she takes on the different roles so differently one has a problem deserning who is who

I rate all six movies 10/10 because they entranced me so much that I have a date to rewatch them again next month Like a drug I can't stop thinking of them while watching other movies I must have more

While the above review has only touched on the first movie A Christmas Prince and more on the last three movies the reason I have done it like this is so that one can enjoy the whole series fully and properly.
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