The Rookies: The Commitment (1972)
Season 1, Episode 4
Willie's Difficult Medical Decision
7 April 2022
Willie is at a Little League game, volunteering as an umpire. After the game is over, he is helping the concession lady close up, when two masked thugs broke in. During the confrontation, the shorter thug shot Willie in his back, which paralyzed his legs. Naturally, Willie was scared and unsure of his future, and there was a very riveting scene between him and Jill in the hospital.

During his hospital stay, Willie and his fiancee, Nancy, discussed their future; Nancy was much more optimistic than Willie, and still wanted to eventually marry him. A medical specialist met with Willie and Nancy, and told them of a very risky, possibly fatal, procedure that could be performed to remove the bullet, but with no absolute guarantee of reversing the paralysis. Nancy said no, Willie overrode her and said he was confident he would beat the odds. With his consent, the doctors performed the long operation. While waiting, Nancy confided to Jill that she felt that she could not handle, as a cop's wife, the dangers always involved with his work.

Officers Webster and Danko went on a hunt after the thugs, which ultimately led them to a horror props store, which was frequented by Vester, the thug who shot Willie. This in turn led them to an auction house of these props, where a chase went on to capture the thugs. I enjoyed the part where Vester jumped off the side of the tracks to the building across, and missed, hanging off the side of the building. One could see the look on Webster's face that he would rather let this thug fall, but, of course, his ethics wouldn't let him, and he pulled him up. Of course, Willie made a full recovery at the end, right after Nancy spilled her fears and broke off their relationship. This episode was well-written, and the actors didn't disappoint. It should not be missed!
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