Review of Halo

Halo (2022– )
Halo Proves Itself -- People Please Give This a Second Chance
29 April 2022
Episode 5, PROVES that Halo can do high budget, high budget sci-fi war movie action, contrary to popular belief. Its a much much better scene then what we got in Episode 1, possibly where most people gave up watching. It feels very HALO. Episode 6, PROVES Halo can do intelligent, high drama sci-fi in a way that is matching the games or exceeding the games.

Neither of these episodes features the loathed Kwan storyline. At the arc that Halo is doing I am telling you, kicking and screaming, if you abandon this show at this point its at least as bad a crime as cancelling Firefly but maybe worse since the committed budget has to be 10 times for Halo that of Firefly. We have gone from 6/10 E1: 2/10 E2: to 9/10 E5 and 8/10 E6, these writers are beginning to find their groove and giving me hope for 10/10's to come.

Paramount+ has a lot of dreck but they need to be at least lauded for trying to invest so much in order to create the 21st century version of Sci-Fi Channel.
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