The Northman (2022)
Watch film first without reading
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

(jobb meg nezni es utana el olvasni a nezok velemenyet a film tartalom-rol)

I cried for the truthful brutal reproduction of everyday pointless life in human history where following tradition to fit in to society and get into valhala heaven at end of life is above all other concerns. Including comfort, philosophy, or any general improvements or advances in anything helpless humans spend a life time executing revenge (killing each other) for prepetual wrong doings. Ultimately modern life "problems" do not even compare to the hopelessness of everyday normal existence just 1k years previous in the human condition ...

no winners ...

( I was very surprised when both die at the ending of the film and this really really sends the message that there were no winners at all, just relief of suffering when death comes )

only suffering and relief in death ...
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