Review of Fury

Fury (2014)
missed opportunity
6 May 2022
Fury is my third war movie the first was saving private Ryan and there are a lot of similarities between them but the movie also got a golden chance to make something unique but he missed and here what I think

Story is about the Allies at the end of the war where they were wining so the Nazis are supposed to be violent as the movie says but no we nearly spent the half of it in easy missions and when it came to end it was suicide mission and it doesn't make sense at all

Ayer could use the not constant plot and the missions to develop the characters and see how it's affecting them but he did it just for one character that've been chosen for unknown reason not just that it also missed the only sequence that could discover our characters missed the mark and he just did for brad Pitt so we have just 2 characters that were discovered enough to bond us with them and both aren't that strong

Regardless the great performance of the whole cast and chemistry between them helped me communicate with them in spite of the common weakness in Thier building I really loved Shia Labeouf this man should get some attention and Brad Pitt who the quite emotional performance beside showing the tough violent side of his character and the whole cast did a great job in limited space and drew thier characters aspects

All the blame on the writer who is also the director David Ayer who done a great job in making the fight tank scenes which is clear, iconic and really impressive it feels like you're in a tank he did a good job and that appears in choosing the right soundtracks and the sound mixing to exploit the audience senses. As a director he succeed but failed as a writer I wish him good luck in the future films.
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