Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Turmoil (2009)
Season 11, Episode 8
In torment
10 May 2022
Anybody who has read any of my other reviews for for example individual episodes of the 'Law and Order' shows, am slowly working my way through writing reviews for all the episodes of 'Law and Order, 'Special Victims Unit' and 'Criminal Intent' with still over halfway through to go, will know already how much admiration there is from me for anything that tackles difficult and controversial themes and issues. The one for "Turmoil" is one of the most difficult.

Yet manages to handle it extremely well, with a lot more tact, intensity and poignancy than expected. "Turmoil" to me is a great episode, one of Season 11's best and the first close to outstanding one, the rating indicates otherwise but the previous episodes were mostly good but not great with one disappointment. It is a very character driven episode, and part of me was worried with it being focused on Stabler, who was very inconsistently and problematically written from Seasons 7-12, but this is one of the better episodes to revolve around him and a major family dilemma.

Did find the truth on the rushed side. Also didn't like the treatment of Cabot, she didn't deserve the rudeness she got.

So much is good though. It is extremely well acted, with Christopher Meloni giving one of his best performances of the show. Especially in the latter stages, that show his steely intensity and also a more vulnerable side. He definitely goes about things the wrong way and lets his emotions get the better of him, but his love for his family and son is clear and his intentions are good, did like too that for the first time in a while that his flaws are self-acknowledged. Jeffrey Scapperrotta also gives some of his best acting, really cared for him and rooted for him to get out of what was a truly tough situation.

On a visual level, the episode is solid and the intimacy of the photography doesn't get static or too filmed play-like. The music when used is not too over-emphatic and has a melancholic edge that is quite haunting. The direction is sympathetic enough without being leaden, while having enough momentum to make the drama sing in its atmosphere.

"Turmoil" is strongly and not too melodramatically scripted, not being over-serious while taking the tough subject very seriously. It is intelligently written too while never being exploitative. The story is intricate while not being convoluted, it has a real sense of tension and jeopardy and it is the closest the season has gotten at this point of it that feels like early 'Special Victims Unit' case-wise. The family stuff is a lot less soapy than most Stabler family dilemma episodes.

In conclusion, great. 9/10.
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