Better than other recent ST shows
16 May 2022
Well, it is definitely a step in the right direction after the dumpster fire that is Picard.

The Plus Points;

It does a decent job of capturing the feeling of TOS. The uniforms and tech achieves the tricky balance of being faithful to the original look while also being updated for modern tv advances.

The sets, makeup & effects all look believable.

After the initial jarring reaction to seeing new actors play familiar characters it doesn't take too long to get used to them in their roles. Anson Mount in particular is a solid casting choice.

The Negatives;

The opening theme is dreadful. The opening monologue (To Boldy Go...) is decent enough (but not on a par with Shatner's rendition) but then it launches into some wishy washy, over produced mess of a theme - disappointing to say the least.

As with all recent ST efforts, the writers disregard the established canon at will (e.g. The Enterprise can now apparently enter orbit - something it absolutely was not designed to do nor capable of in TOS).

Also, as with the other recent ST series, the focus dwells too much on the feelings & emotions of the characters. Kirk, Picard, Sisko etc are strong, confident, emotionally aloof, professional leaders - they don't sit with their subordinates and reveal their darkest fears, doubts or frailties. This happens far too often in the modern iteration of ST.

Overall though, the first episode wasn't half bad & I'll keep watching to see if it builds from here & hopefully avoids going down the path of Discovery or Picard (writers/directors: please keep Kurtzman as far away as possible!!)

As aside, to all those complaining in their reviews about this show having left-wing preaching / liberal bias, or that the crew are all women or that it is too 'woke' etc etc, I have a question for you (rhetorical, of course);

If it is 'woke' to want a peaceful, democratic society, where race & gender are not the only things you see when you look at someone, then why do you choose to remain 'asleep'?
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