Mother Lode (1982)
If you have claustrophobia, perhaps this isn't the movie for you.
22 May 2022
If you hate tight, confined spaces and they make you very uncomfortable, then perhaps "Mother Lode" is a film you'd best skip. Now, I am not saying the film is bad...but the later portions are tough because they take place in tiny, tumbling caves.

When the story begins, a dopey guy sells his house and convinces his girlfriend to come with him into the wilderness of British Columbia. Why? Well, he believes that there's gold to be discovered there and he'll get rich. The problem is that getting to this location is a serious problem...and they almost get killed in the process. Once there, they meet up with a crazed prospector (Charlton Heston)...a man who's been digging for gold for nearly 30 years. What's next? Well, a whole lotta danger and suprises.

I'll admit that the film is a bit slow and Heston's performance is a bit out there....but the story improves a lot as the film progresses and the story is quite original.
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