I was really split about this show
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As the title says, I was really split about Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022), seeing as it's on one hand an somewhat unexplored time period, in the Star Wars-universe, and therefore would be perfect to explore. And seeing as all the actors have aged since Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith), all the actors are the correct ages, which I thought was simply beautiful. The time to make a show about this period, using the original cast, is just now.

However, I was skeptical, seeing as Obi-Wan Kenobi in this period isn't supposed to be involved in pretty much anything. He's suppose to have vanished from the radar, living in hiding, under the alias "Ben", and just keeping an eye on Luke, from a distance - The show pretty ruins everything about that, by the 2nd episode (Which is as far as I ever watched, too).

The show also managed to make me hate Leia, because she talks like an adult, at the age of 10 - Which is, lets be frank here, just bad writting. It's like they thought they could represent Leia, as a kid, by taking her adult counterpart and using a shrink-gun on her, and have her essentially be the exact same person, as she is in Episode 4 and after. This is of course completely ignoring the fact that most people develop their personalities, opinions, and such, in their teens and 20s. This show, in other words, had the perfect oppotunity to show how and why Leia came to be the person we know and love. The show sadly just went the lazy route. Also, do I need to say anything about "the chase scene"? It was (without saturating), quite literally the worst chase or kidnap scene I have ever watched in my entire life. The goons were literally just falling over their own feet, being outsmarted by the 10 year old, and being knocked to the ground by Leia letting go of branches. Simple laughable and terrible.

The female inquisitor (Forgot her name, because meh) was annoying. Yet again Disney insist on shoving this female-empowerment down our throats, with bad dialogue and awful characters. She wasted 10 years looking for Obi-Wan, she finally finds him, confronts him and is immediately distracted by the Grand Inquisitor, who she then kills instead, letting Obi-Wan get away. And her reaction to this is "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET!" - Which is pretty much what she yells after him. Again, why is this so badly written?

The effect and the acting is (besides all the kids) fine, I suppose, and the cinematography is good. However, a lot of the dialogue is talking down to the audience, sadly - Sort of stating the obvious. Not a lot of "show, don't tell".

All in all, the show had great potential (As is the case with most Disney products these days, before you watch them), although it would be at the expense of making Episode 4 make far less sense, in regards to Luke's and Ben's relationship and the Empire's knowledge of Obi-Wan's presence on Tatooine. It ultimately feels forced, is badly written, and you can't help but feel that this is yet another cashgrab by Disney, trying to milk this franchise to it's grave. This show, and Boba Fett, have made me unsub from Disney+ - The shows they make are simply not up to par, and I'm not paying for the Mandalorian, alone.

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