9 June 2022
Colorful, energetic biopic showing how Roberto Duran's hatred of US troops occupying his native Panama motivated him to become a national hero and lightweight world champ by beating Sugar Ray Leonard. Avuncular Robert De Niro masterfully plays the fighter's long-suffering trainer, with whom Duran is constantly at odds, but to whom he ultimately gives in and triumphs because of it. Edgar Ramirez is terrific as the impulsive' hot-headed boxer whose bad attitude goes far beyond just anti-Americanism, but who, in the end, realizes that, paradoxically, he owes his career to his trainer, an American, and he's OK with that. Usher is as charismatic as was Sugar Ray, whom he plays brilliantly.

A feel-good flick, happily devoid of the sappy heart-string yanks so often associated with fight films.
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