Horizon Forbidden West (2022 Video Game)
Fantastic, frustrating, frickin good!
14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not doing the franchise a service since I haven't played the first. Truth is my girlfriend brought me a PS5 and this game (is never heard of the franchise properly) and I thought screw it I'll bite. And BOY WAS THAT A MEAL. I'm stuffed.

Best 70 hours of my life spent on a game since the glory days of Halo. Honeslty had a wicked time despite my lore gaps.

Gameplay - 8/10 little bit of a gameplay loop but the story and the mastery of the controls made you feel like a badass... when you understand it you become a skill full machine killing badass.

Graphics - 10/10 this was beautiful, even the deserts and streams some of the most generic environments had me stopping and taking it all in. The tribal themes and all the differences to the groups made for each base feeling unique and vibrant!

Characters - at some points 10/10 at others 6/10 (also the lore gaps didn't help! But I loved all the companions so much. Especially Kotallo)

Combat - 8/10 I love bows and arrows and the variety of range equipment always kept things fresh. Though admittedly it was killing robots the whole game I felt like it curved the staleness very well. Kept me on for 70+ hours! Even did some farming towards the end as frustrating as that was!

Story - 10/10 asides the cliffhanger which left me thirsty! Sad I couldn't smash Erend or Kotallo. Weird I know I just felt the chemistry. The villains had a weirdly brief but powerful presence to them and I was always wondering when they would strike next!

Will be playing horizon 3 when that comes out; heck I might even play horizon 1! Though I won't be going completionist like I did with this one. So much time spent 😂

I could spend an extra hour writing the reviews but the game already took a heavy working week from me! Thank you for the experience!
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