The Wrong House Sitter (2020 TV Movie)
What a Doofus
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The big Doofus lead signs a contract without reading it and then after the psycho's plan unfolds to squat in his house, he leaves his drink unattended in front of her so she can drug it.

You'd think Doofus's trust around this nutcase would be non existent after the lease trick, but he just walks into every trap she sets for him like the Doofus that he is. By that point, I was rooting for the squatter to take his house from him because all the plastic surgery he obviously had on his face must have sucked out his brain.

The Doofus's girlfriend had me in her corner when she investigated the psycho and got the goods on her from the past homeowner who revealed she's done this before...but strangely, we never hear from her just how she managed to get rid of her.

But when Doofus's girlfriend is shown phony pics of him with psycho after she drugged him, she lost me because she then immediately believes it even after knowing the girls all fruit loops....that would not have happened and she would've suspected the pics were phony.

Even after Doofus explains to her he was drugged, she isn't believing it...Why?! She heard from the past homeowner what a nut she is, so why not believe she drugged her Doofus boyfriend?!

One question that kept nagging at me throughout the whole film was why was this girl so obsessed with Doofus? She was pretty hot and could have any guy she wanted but is all hung up on a guy with the most plastic looking face i've ever saw---with brows that were so unnaturally high it would make Joan Crawford jealous. His face was so weird and distracting and I kept wondering why she was so hot for him. I just didn't get it.

The woman who was the neighbor next door should've been his girlfriend because her face was just as plastic and weird looking as his was.... Why are so many actors and actresses today altering their faces so grotesque like this? They look like they have Halloween masks on, and they're only in their 40's. Are they that afraid of wrinkles that they's rather appear unnatural and plastic? Yuck.

And then there's the ending....did the police not search the house and grounds for the psycho after she killed the neighbor?! She just appears in his kitchen when she's obviously wanted for murder. Where was she hiding when the cops were there? Didn't they search for her on the grounds?!

But she immediately flees the house when the girlfriend walks in rather than give the viewer a good climactic showdown fight which i've come to expect from these Lifetime movies. She just flees and goes to a new town to pull her psycho murderous shenanigans on another unsuspecting Doofus.

I can't speak for others but I really enjoy the showdown climaxes where the victim fights back and kills the psycho because it's not entertaining to see them get away. You want to see them get what they deserve. It was a huge letdown to see her literally get away with murder.

I wouldn't rate it as bad as most reviewers here because it was watchable to the end so i'll give it a 5 right down the middle....but for the love of God if this movie teaches anyone not sign anything EVER without reading the damn thing first!! I don't care if an Uber is honking outside---READ BEFORE SIGNING!!

And also stay away from plastic surgery. Wrinkles are your friend and they show a life well lived.
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