Silent Youth (2012)
Compelling in its authenticity
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A fifteen second elevator pitch for this movie would have been reduced to four words, "A MOVIE ABOUT NOTHING." But just as the famed sit-com Seinfeld was supposed to be about nothing, we learned there's lot to like when the actions on the screen are not contrived.

That's true here. "SILENT YOUTH" finds two young men who are confused about many things including their sexuality.

They seem to have little in common, hence the silence throughout the film, except that they are attracted to one another, somehow.

I say somehow because when Marlo first eyes Kirill, it's at night, dark and Kirill is bundled up in a black hoodie, hood up obscuring his face and physique.

They walk by one another, their hands barely brushing. After many hours, they both wind up on the same bridge watching the sunrise.

Two strangers who ride out their destiny.

-->There were many times during the film that they could have bailed out. But they did not.

And that's the point. In life we are all presented with opportunities. How we deal with those opportunities gives to us the life that we live.

The expression "the bed that we made and have to sleep in it" is apropos.

*Many pass on those opportunities: *never realizing what they missed.

*Others all pass, but they regret it at a later time. *Others still follow the opportunity only to realize it was a pseudo-opportunity and they knew it all along because they weren't following their heart or their instincts.

This is a successful film in that its like any good art, it's thought provoking and the viewer sees in it what they need to feel.

Bravo to Diemo Kemmesies who directed and is credited as the scriptwriter.

Martin Bruchmann as Marlo and Josef Mattes as Kirill are wonderful in their nuanced performances.

If you get the opportunity to see this, don't pass it up.
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