Review of Debug

Debug (2014)
Swing and a Miss
20 July 2022
Passable acting; decent sets for a low-budget; mediocre story...and a wowser of a character-building device. As it turns out, one of the crew members has an intense fear of rats (one way to indicate some differentiation otehr than by sex). However, even given that a rat may somehow be onboard this spaceship, one of the female crew members (again, buidling charactrer and diffferentiating her from the phobic male) comes to the rat's defense and treats it like a pet. This defies basic loginc on two fronts. First, given the limited supplies on and interstellar craft, where would the rat find enough food to sustain itself? Next., anyone who has ever dealt with rats knows how destructive they can be: rats will chew through wiring and knaw on almost anything else that's chewwable simply for practice. A rat would've caused major damage to the electrical system of the craft in short order. Even if you're a fan of syfy, look elsewhere for entertainment.
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