Review of Adrift

Lost: Adrift (2005)
Season 2, Episode 2
Smoke monster ain't got nothing on Susan
26 July 2022
One of the reasons Lost was such a hit, was in their ability to create characters with more than one dimension. Real people aren't any one thing. We're a combination of many different things. This is what Lost does best. No character, no matter how beloved, is always right. Not one. Even our favorites act like complete idiots sometimes. Just like real people do. And I love that. Unfortunately, the dislike for a character can sometimes over shadow an amazing performance. Harold Perrineau is a great example. He's brilliant as the tortured Michael. And we see why in the flashbacks. That Susan character ain't got nuthin on the smoke monster. She might be the only purely evil character Lost has created. Everything is always about her. And then to use that disgusting line,'what's best for the child',, Ick,, can't stand those scenes she's in. Although once again, Tamara Taylor played the scenes with perfect blank eyed innocence. Why characters act the way they do is revealed in the flashbacks. We either relate, or we don't. But I for one can sympathize with Michael. No, I don't agree with a lot of his quick to judgement type actions. But Lost always does a great job at allowing the viewer to see how and why the characters are what they are. Not usually a fan of back stories, but Lost usually does them so well.
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