The Wrong House Sitter (2020 TV Movie)
I Love This Movie
30 July 2022
Honestly, I never admit this publicly, or even to my spouse, but I bawled like an infant watching this film. The tone, the theme, the overtures-ALL OF IT-made the experience of watching this cinematic masterpiece one I will never, in my entire life, FORGET. I will show this movie to everyone I care about. I will show it to my children. I will show it to my grandchildren. I will visit my parents at the nursing home tomorrow and I will bring my DVD copy of this film, and I will not take no for an answer on them watching it.

Just the other day, a friend asked to borrow my phone, and they commented on my new lock screen being the promotional poster for this film. They said that they thought it was a bit odd. I swore to myself to never speak to them again, and I blocked them on every platform.

I think about this movie all the time. I'm starting to dream about it. I really identified with the main villain. I felt her pain as if it were my own-it was visceral. I too have had strange fantasies in my life, of what I wanted but felt I could never have... But this review isn't about me. It's about the glory of THE WRONG HOUSE SITTER. I started dressing like the main male character after viewing this film because of how much I admired his sense of style, and also how much I want to be him.

I've watched this movie every day since seeing it for the first time. I have it on in the background right now as I write this. This is not only the best LMN film I've ever seen, but also the most moving and impactful piece of media I have ever had the good graces to come across.

If you have taken nothing else from this review, please, PLEASE, take this advice: Go. Watch. This. Movie. Right. Now. You will never regret it. You will be changed forever because of it. It will make you cry, but keep pushing through. Never give up. Keep going in life; it's worth it, for when you come across once-in-a-blue moon beauties such as this.
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