Warcraft (2016)
Bad movie adaption, and bad movie
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Completely ignoring all the retconning from the original WC1-3 lore, the story itself is a mess and clumsily told. It does 100% "tell, don't show", and proceeds to have characters say and do nonsensical things, from start till the end.

A few examples of this: Durotan: Fel magic is evil, but we had no way of knowing that. Now, allow me to do what this CLEARLY evil sorcerer, who has green skin and green glowing eyes, spikes coming out of his back and arms and a evil voice, says. Slaughter innocents and kids? Sure thing, Gul'dan! Wait, the fel is evil? WhaaAAAAaaaat???!

Medivh: I'll make a big golem, which can't leave the room or roam the tower because of it's big size, with the exact purpose to leave the room and clean - Which it can't. Small thing, but why did he say that?

Blackhand: Why did you bring a pregnant orc with you through the portal, Durotan? Oh well, I guess Im okay with it now, because Gul'dan wanted more warriors for the Horde.

Also, why is Thrall born green? His mum and dad are still brown....?

It's badly paced, and the effects, even its part real actors and part CG, are terrible. Fans have asked (Not just asked, but begged) for a full feature CG movie by Blizzard, for decades - This was their chance, and they screwed it up, big time - Partly by making it with real actors, instead of all CG. You are introduced to a bazzilion different characters, and before any of them are even established with motivations and depth, the movie acts as if you really care about them, or what they are trying to do. The movie is rushed and feels like a 2 hour long fan service - BAD fan service. It's just name dropping characters, places, and factions left and right, with very little context or depth.

Having Khadgar essentially reduced to being little more than comedical relief is just a slap in the face. And comedy isn't a requirement in movies, guys. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Again, it feels forced.

Honestly, this movie feels and looks an awful lot like a fan fiction-movie. If that was indeed the case, I would had gone easier on it. But given that it is, in fact, a big and expensive movie, that cost 160 MILLION US DOLLARS, the quality of the effect and the script, is just not good - It's that simple.

By the climax and the duel between Durotan and Gul'dan, I think the movie gets confused about which side of the portal we're looking at: The humans are at the portal, at a place that looks like a forest, or a jungle (Tanaan Jungle, I would guess). But the azeroth side would not be a jungle - It would be a swamp (Black Morass. Later Blasted Lands). It is actually the Outland side that would be a jungle (Tanaan Jungle).

So, this is actually really confusing at this point in the movie, because the movie itself doesn't seem to know where the characters are or where the events are taking place - Whether it's in the orc world (Outlands), or the human world (Azeroth).

All in all, the movie just doesn't work. Not as a movie for fans, not as a movie adaption. It doesn't even work as a movie, in general.

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