In another case of the sight-impaired leading the . . .
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . sight-impaired, the most notable thing about this cartoon is that Walt D., long-time head of the Kansas City mob--who was insanely jealous of the fact that Leo's Jerry-the-Mouse won at least half a dozen Oscars more than his own over-rated Mickey-the-Mouse--immediately stole Leo's concept of "M-o-u-s-e-k-e-t-e-e-r-s" and created a whole television show about them the following year. After bitter litigation, the Ditsy gang was forced to let Leo do the beloved TV version of HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS, as well as the theatrical feature-length cartoon, THE PHANTOM TOLL BOOTH. As the diapered rodent says at the end of this outing, "That's war."
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