unsuccessful comedy
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An author specialized in murder mysteries and his devoted wife look forward to a relaxing stay in a cottage. Their stay is interrupted by the sudden appearance of an eccentric lady who asks, nay demands, to be given food and shelter. Meanwhile she tells them a rambling tale of threat and danger...

"Miss Tulip" is an unsatisfactory comedic murder mystery which feels like the kind of theatre play performed by a small-town amateur company, during the silly season. Both individually and collectively, the author and his beauteous wife seem to be blessed with less sense than God gave to a duckling. If these were real-life individuals, it's likely that their rampant lack of prudence, logic and discernment would have seen them committed for their own protection. Other characters too behave in an illogical or unnatural way. A party of Martian explorers watching the movie would come away with some pretty adventurous delusions about the way in which Earthlings react during a crisis situation.

The mystery plot is mediocre, leaving question marks and inconsistencies all over the place, like a cat shedding hair. It's at moments like these that one feels a deep appreciation for authors like Agatha Christie, who usually spent months revising, examining and polishing her work until it ran like a Swiss watch.

Not recommended, except - perhaps - to completists who want to watch anything the young Diana Dors graced with her blonde presence.
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