Offseason (2021)
Get your flashlight ready! Wandering Around: The Movie
27 August 2022
Really, that's the bulk of what you're watching. This filmmaker focused far too much of his efforts on atmosphere. That is the one thing the movie has in spades, and I'd say there were even a few creepy scenes. But what a flimsy premise. Chick gets a letter saying she hs to go to this island because her mother's grave has been desecrated, and to talk to the caretaker. Yup. That's the engine that runs this flick. Apparently, this director's only direction for the remaining actors was, be really "sinister." Literally, that's all you're gonna get. And that includes the guy she goes with. Which is who? I must've fallen asleep when they handed out that info, but he was a real jerk to her (and yes, even he goes sinister, even before going undead!).

Actually, a lot of these performances to me were comical. Just OTT trying to be sinister. Like, we get it. There's one scene at a bar, where they are desperately trying to find the caretaker, and that is REAL funny to the locals. Why? It's never revealed. Hell, we don't even meet the caretaker! One guy is real enigmatic (and sinister) to her. Can he be trusted? Sure as hell seems not.

So the people on the island make a deal with a demon, chick's mother escapes, she ain't the same, but someone, somehow buries her there? And I care, why? Oh, back to foggy wandering.
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