Review of Alien Gods

Alien Gods (2019 Video)
What a sad, sorry mess of a film...
28 August 2022
I haven't posted a review here before, but this was so bad that I had to let people know. Seldom have I watched a documentary where I have come away actually knowing less that I did before. Where do I begin? Let's starts with the basics. The writing of this was so bad that it would have to be promoted several ranks to reach merely poor. I'm struggling to see who the target audience was here, maybe impressionable ten year olds? If you are trying to tell a story, you typically start with a beginning a middle and ending. This narrative jumped around all over the place never setting down for a second. I got the impression that they were trying to give us the old "Razzle Dazzle" and hoping we couldn't see because we had sequins in our eyes. What the writer succeeded in doing was mixing a smattering of facts with a huge helping of fiction. I've read that some UFO contactees have dictated reams of information 'inspired' by their encounter. This seems very much like the output from such a session but filmed as is without any editing. From a graphical perspective it was a mixed bag. Some of the GCI was sophisticated, but most of it was crude and looked like it had been created on an exceptionally low budget. This entire program was an almost textbook example of confirmation bias. Start with a premise then shoe horn all the evidence to fit that premise, ignoring everything else. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hard headed rationalist. There is something very wrong with our recorded history, especially before the Younger Dryas and the floods that followed. Slowly and surely, we will find more evidence of this in the coming decades. Likewise, I'm reasonably sure that there was and still is some interaction with humanity and non-human entities, call then elementals if you like. But this outpouring of snake like aliens producing hybrid giants is just pure liquid twaddle. For those with an enquiring mind, please walk away from this and instead read John A. Keel, Jacques Vallee and Graham Hancock. Then come back and view this again.
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