Stale content
31 August 2022
Not sure why this was marketed as new when this is so old. This documentary has already been done by HBO so nothing fresh here. The only additions are the woke commentary from some former MTV VJ and concertgoers who give props to metoo and woke culture in the closing remarks. Otherwise, this didn't shed any new light on the subject and as a viewer I couldn't help thinking of what a great lineup of shows attendees got to see. I realize I was supposed to be mad at the performers for inciting a riot or igniting the fire. Instead, I thought the only good part of this production was being able to catch a glimpse of Korn, Bush, Limp, and RHCP perform. I must say attendees were treated to awesome performances. As far as the destruction of the venue, what do you expect when you mix 200K young adults with drugs, alcohol, extreme heat, and jack up the prices? The footage is so dated now it makes me wonder why this wasn't produced like 8 years ago for a 15-year anniversary or something.
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