4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Galadriele, not wanting to travel to Valinor, jumped ship and ended-up in the open sea. Drifting for some time, she comes across a group of people in a broken boat, who reluctantly let her in. As it later became apparent, their ship was attacked by a giant sea monster, which attacks them again.

The other plot introduces us with Lord Celebrimbor and Elrond traveling to Kazad-Dum (Dwarven capitol) to acquire some needed materials for the forge, however, the local prince wants none of that, because Elrond had abandoned him for twenty years and no, Elrond has to make amends to his old friend.

The third plot takes us to the Haarfoots, wherein Nori and Poppy are trying in-secret to take care of a 'giant, who has fallen from the sky' and figure-out what to do with him.

The fourth plot takes-us to Arondir and Bronwyn, trying to figure out what has happened to a nearby village and who dug up a tunnel leading to their own village.

Overal, the episode had more potential, because people were doing more this time, not just talking.

+ Atmosphere + Music + Environment + Dwarves

  • Overused giant sea monsters trope
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't orcs created by Saruman, by cross-brieding elves with goblins? There shouldn't be any orcs at this timeline, only goblins.

  • Unnecessary cheesy at times.
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