Reprehensible sleaze
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was made on the same set with the same director and most of the principal cast of SS Experiment Love Camp. The actor who plays the sadistic Lieutenant here (Sergeant in the other film) looks strikingly like Julius Streicher, publisher of Der Sturmer and so anti-Semitic fellow party members condemned him. The blonde haired doctor returns as does the self-righteous, objecting older doctor in a similar role as the last film. A new actress with a big role is introduced here as one of the prisoners, a sassy, Jamaica woman who looks like a low rent Pam Grier. Unfortunately her annoying character survives the entire movie.

Like the companion film this has lots of female nudity and even some shower scenes (the cleansing kind). Male nudity is once again limited to backsides without a single dangle-down swinging about. The women here once again are average looking at best and once again most with unimpressive chests. There's some decent experimentation scenes involving burns with women's legs set ablaze which look realistic and painful. The women are topless of course during these procedures because these men are so evil they like to ogle boobs while doing their painful procedures. There's also scenes of women burned alive in homicidal "gas ovens". One of these scenes shows seemingly dead women put in the ovens and when the fire starts it appears to revive them and they do a brief interpretive dance bit. This film also manages to combine the brothel and experimentation genres of NSploitation films.

The films best and "redeeming" part is an extended torture sequence of nude women by the Streicher dude. He pulls out fingernails, puts lit matches under nails, punches a woman with a spiked fist in the stomach so her guts come out and squeeze a woman's skull with a strap and vise until blood pours out. The highlight is a tongue torn out of a pretty redhead's mouth. Ironically Streicher himself was tortured at Nurnberg including being whipped, spat upon, burned with cigarettes and having his genitals beaten. This film is notorious for featuring real concentration camp photos/footage. This includes the infamous footage of a British bulldozer pushing emaciated corpses into a mass grave. This is from after the British liberation of Bergen-Belsen where tens of thousands died from disease mostly typhus as the camp became vastly overcrowded towards the end of the war. Typhus took the lives of 13,000-15,000 more prisoners while under British Administration. The two most famous inmates to die of disease here were Margot and Anne Frank after being evacuated from Oswiecim. SS Camp: Women's Hell is unpardonable sleaze, mean-spirited and ugly. It's bleak and mostly hopeless with the only hope of "salvation" for the prisoners being the rape-hungry, marauding Soviet army attacking the camp towards the end. This provides a little action for a film that is sometimes lifeless. These two films are passable sleaze but lack the outrageous over the top and often hilariousness of NS classics like The Beast in Heat and my favorite the Gestapo's Last Orgy.

"Who knows the truth and does not speak it out, is a deplorable coward!"- Julius Streicher.
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