No mystery, suspense, creepy-ness or spooky-ness here!
6 September 2022
The movie has such an interesting premise - an entire town hikes into the mountains and the people are never heard from again. Years later, an expedition retraces the steps of the town-folk to find out what happened. To me, it sounded like good ghost story with mystery and suspense to hold the viewer's attention. Unfortunately, the acting is pretty bad & just not convincing. Bad acting is hard to watch - it's like the viewer has to work harder to suspend disbelief. Plus, the characters all look like one another - they are all white people with brown hair dressed in outdoor gear in neutral tones. I couldn't tell one from the other. None of the characters is particularly relatable or likeable - they all come across as flat and interchangeable so as a viewer, you are not invested in any of them. None of them had any "personality". Then, once they hike into the woods, from my perspective, nothing remotely interesting happens. It wasn't spooky or creepy. I paid to view this movie - If you really want to watch, at least wait until you get it for "free" on a streaming service you already subscribe to. It's definitely not worth spending extra money to watch. 4/10.
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