Batman Returns (1992)
14 September 2022
This was okay. It's not as good as its predecessor, but I'd still give it a watch of it were on.

My biggest gripe is that there isn't enough of Batman in this movie. Yeah, a Batman movie doesn't have much of Batman himself in it.

The Penguin, whose performance is decent by Danny DeVito, isn't really the one we know as the wise genius. Instead they decide to literally make him a penguin. He eats raw fish, he bites peoples' noses, and he wheezes whenever he walks. Granted, this is due to the creative freedom of Tim Burton, and there are funny moments with Penguin, but overall, he felt out of character.

Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, is actually decent. Yeah, her story seems a bit rushed, but honestly, she seems like a good foil to Batman here. I know, there isn't a lot to her, but for what Catwoman is, she's alright.

Overall, the movie is good, but not as much as the original. It's better than a lot of other movies, but comparatively to the series, it's not as great. 6/10.

Also, this is definitely a Christmas movie.
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