Review of Caught

Caught (1949)
Donald Trump vs. Bel Geddes; Barbara wins
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Finally watched this today. Damn, Robert Ryan was sexy but then his true colors come out. Mason is a great, handsome, knight-in-armor hero. The plot is actually good and goes in interesting and believable directions. But oh that last fifteen minutes. All of a sudden the brave bel Geddes goes stupid. Is she drunk? Is she having a nervous breakdown; in any case we lose sympathy for her. The ever dependable Frank Ferguson shows up to ground the film in complete decency. Film looks great and is a lot of fun up until the train wreck in the script. And that slimy Curt Bois creates a deliciously awful servant of Ryan's. There are Mar-o-Lago images everywhere. I am sure Jeffrey Epstein was there in some way.
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