Clerks III (2022)
Very funny and surprisingly touching
14 September 2022
Yes, I was the guy who was practically sobbing during the finale of "Clerks III." If I wasn't so embarrassed to weep while sitting next to one of my best friends, I can tell you with full confidence that I would have been ugly crying before this film drew to a close. And that fact is what makes "Clerks III" one of the most unorthodox comedy films in recent years, but also one of the most emotionally satisfying ones.

Admittedly, I am a huge Kevin Smith fan - admiring him more as a person than as a filmmaker, I think Mr. Smith is a hilarious, humble person whose storytelling techniques make for funny anecdotes and engaging narratives. His question and answer sessions are legendary in terms of their comedic value, and I find myself enjoying the man so much that I can't help but look forward to his movies. And - unlike his abilities to recite the spoken word - his filmmaking skills do seem to be hit or miss. While I have enjoyed a majority of his films, I do recognize that many of them suffer from a lack of focus; relying too much on overindulgent humor and overly drawn out editing that lingers on jokes and scenes so much so that they wear out their welcome, Kevin Smith movies can be diamonds in the rough. Granted, bits of dialogue and drama that border on genius are always sprinkled throughout Smith's films, always elevating his movies, risking making them great if only these sequences weren't in between sequences of crude humor that, no doubt, alienate mainstream audiences. And "Clerks III" is no different, except for the fact that it contains a surprising emotional punch that shows Kevin's newfound maturity.

Yes, "Clerks III" has all the juvenile humor your precious heart could ever want, but it's all wrapped around a touching story of friendship and loss that will manage to cut deep into the souls of even the most jaded viewers. My theatre was full of uproarious laughter, but also of sniffles and nose-blowing, demonstrating to me that Kevin finally struck the perfect balance of drama and comedy - making "Clerks III" a dramedy, if you will. But that's exactly what makes this movie so good. Cleverly subverting expectations after giving audiences exactly what they expect, Smith created an emotional and simultaneously laugh out loud film that is sure to crowd please while also forcing viewers to come face to face with their own mortality.

So, if you're a fan of the previous movies in this series, you'll certainly find a lot of entertainment value from the sharp dialogue and witty gags that Smith has written into this film. While the humor doesn't hit as hard as it did in the first two movies, it still offers enough chuckles and belly laughs to tickle the funny bone of most viewers. The humor is more outrageous than the first film, but more subdued than the second, finding its footing in between stretches of emotional resonance.

When watching "Clerks III", you'll be privy to weed humor and potty-mouthed adults, but you'll also witness a very human story about friendship and coming to terms with life. I'm telling you, I didn't expect to practically break down in the theatre, but as tears rolled down my face I began to realize that I was watching Smith's most thoughtful movie since "Chasing Amy." And it is exactly this thoughtfulness that makes "Clerks III" work on multiple levels; you can walk into the theatre expecting a raunchy comedy, and you'll get it. You can walk into the theatre expecting an adult drama, and you'll get it. By giving audience members what they want in various different ways, this movie is a truly satisfying experience. That works for both Smith and non-Smith fans alike.

The more I think about this movie, the more I love it. With a wholly satisfying and life affirming ending, "Clerks III" is the drama wrapped in a comedy that I never knew I needed. If you are a Kevin Smith fan in the slightest, you owe it to yourself to watch this movie - and even if you're not a fan of Smith, I'd still recommend this film based on its dramatic merits. Not interested in seeing it? That's okay - after all, you weren't even supposed to be here today.
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