The Ben Shapiro Show (2015 Podcast Series)
An ugly, hateful human being
17 September 2022
Biased, pretentious, condescending, misogynistic quidnunc milquetoast of a man.

He vomits hatred and preaches segregation. A very small and angry human.

Before you spew your anger upon the world and infect the minds of the vulnerable and the gullible, maybe it would benefit to look internally and try to find the reason why you are actually mad. The reason likely resides with your own personal choices in life, and you are projecting your failures and shortcomings onto the rest of the world because you refuse to take any personal accountability.

Before you decide to listen to a small, angry man spewing his hatred, maybe you should instead listen to people who speak of hope, peace, understanding, and to people who want to solve the problems with mutual benefit and respect for those affected.

Or you can stay tiny-minded and weak and blame others for all of your problems.
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