Cobra Kai: Survivors (2022)
Season 5, Episode 9
Wicker Man Concrete Monster
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I've only got this episode and episode 10 left to go. The last two rounds are considered the championship rounds in boxing terms.

The gloves are indeed truly off as Sam unleashes on Tory in a carpark much to the shock of all the bystanders. Poor 'ole Tory has stepped in it again. Being honest has backfired and gotten her nowhere. She has no one to turn to.

Since Johnny knocked up Miguel's mom, they're at the hospital having an ultrasound and the kicking karate fetus lets one fly - after tasting amniotic fluid for the first time - and this kick delights Johnny, but that joy is short-lived as no sooner do him and Carmen bump into none other than Silver himself. Well, here's a first - Johnny and Silver together.

There's ingrained animosity, which causes static between both parties, but forever poised, Silver just retains that sense of calm and continues scheming his chess moves and chips away, planting further seeds again. I love these little one-on-one mind game confrontations. This is nuts - Silver already wants Johnny & Carmen's unborn baby to enroll in Cobra Kai.

Sam cold-shoulders Miguel in a pouty, petulant, display of brattish behavior.

Elsewhere, Robby brazenly marches into Cobra Kai headquarters and mouths off in front of everybody, Silver and Lucy Liu included. (Yeah, you and what army, Robby?) I don't think anybody wants to hear it, kid. He takes it upon himself to lecture the entire Cobra Kai body on their home turf. Asserting his authority, Silver takes the lecture with a grain of salt, and overrides Robby's opinion with a command and action response from his students. Working a treat, it silences Robby into his shell, while 'Lady Snowblood' detects that Tory's on Robby's side. Busted.

Oh man, not Stingray again! He's like a man-child who never grew up. The comedic relief is slowing down the pace. Stingray's playing a War Hammer Monopoly game with a bunch of other dweebs and acts like he's a person of importance when really, he's just a rissole on a lower level. I wish someone would permanently Dim Mak him into eternal submission.

Dismissing Cobra Kai for the evening, Tory is made to stay after class. This scene is sinister and is reminiscent of when Woodward lays eyes on the Wicker Man for the first time. A concrete Wing Chun torture device man is rolled out... from hell.

And Daniel-San thought he had it hard in part 3 with plywood.

Has this thing got a name? Lucy Liu refers to it as, "Your Enemy," but we gotta give this thing a proper name. (I'll think of something before my review's over.)

I want this thing on a t-shirt. It's menacing.

Tory's overwhelmed by the Stone Mason Master Device - how's that? - and displays disobedience & reluctance, but Lucy Liu, and Co, intimidate her into compliance with Silver's "stone" cold stare beaming on. They're onto her! She's been weeded out as a traitor among ranks.

Like a lot of people, Tory falls into the one-dimensional character category as she only uses her right hand when striking. You got two fists, sister, use your other one.

Whoa! For a second there I thought Tory was going to lay into Lucy Liu AKA Lady Snowblood. Instead, she knocks the Stone Mason Monster's head off and into next week.

That thing's not so tough after all. (Tory must have Shaolin warrior in her bloodlines?)

And as for you, Mr. Wing Chun Stone Monster-San, you didn't last one round with a skirt!

Trust me, you wouldn't wanna go out on a date with that thing. It wouldn't say a single word all night and it has the emotion of a padded psychiatric unit wall, and the personality of a straitjacket.

I'm not wearing that thing's t-shirt! That thing's nothing! It had its 5-minutes of fame, now it's been reduced to Hollywood's wastebasket. One hit wonder.

I'm giving episode 9 a high score because of the Wing Chun concrete monster's scenes. It showed the depths of depravity Cobra Kai will sink its students to.

Is this soul baring Stingray scene supposed to break my heart and force me to sympathize with him? All it's doing is chewing up running time. Give me the Wing Chun Stone Monster back instead of Stingray.

Looking at Chozen today, I can't see the same actor in him from 'Karate Kid 2.' It's like they're two different people. Today, Yuji Okumoto looks like Issei Sagawa.

Silver and Lucy Liu have an intimate one-on-one late one night where it's slightly hinted that there's a romantic link between them as they toast to their partial success with a glass of bubbly. And speaking of toast, there's a great big toasty fire blazing in the background. What's the meaning of this? I thought it was Summer break? Something else ain't adding up either. This high society lifestyle Silver leads, which puts him in the elite wealthy section of society, would have excluded Richie Rich from going to Vietnam back in the day.

I always think of that line from 'Falling Down' when I think of Terry Silver, "What were you - The Little Drummer Boy?" Silver wouldn't have even been born when 'Nam was going on, would he?

Stop the press! I know in which direction they're gonna take season 6 of 'Cobra Kai' next. It's not rocket science. In most episodes you see The Smith & Pinkett surnames in the credits everywhere as their 2010 'Karate Kid' still owns the rights to the 'Karate Kid' franchise, or something. So, do the math. What are the odds of Jackie Chan showing up in season 6 where Jaden Smith will take on Cobra Kai's Tupac Kenny? It could be staged in China, or Japan, if it's an international event. Hell, season 6 could even take place in the king's castle from 'Karate Kid 2.'

They can even throw in Maggie Fitzgerald-San from 'The Next Karate Kid' to make it complete and come full circle, where she could take on Lucy Liu AKA 'Lady Snowblood.' Even more tantalising though is the thought of Kreese facing off against Terry Silver in a battle of the snakes to end Cobra Kai once and for all.
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