Review of The Cursed

The Cursed (2021)
Starts off promising, but descends into mediocrity
24 September 2022
A pathologist (Boyd Holbrook) comes to investigate a series of strange occurances in a village in late 19th century rural France. A group of gypsies has gone missing and a curse appears to hang over the town, and one rich family in particular.

The film I think starts off quite well, building a sense of mystery with pretty decent cinematography and a few chills. The scientist coming to solve a small town issue is reminescent of Johnny Depp's character in Sleepy Hollow.

The downsides begin here which is that I felt little to no connection or sympathy for the characters. Boyd Holbrook is not a bad actor in this film, its just that his character has the charisma of a piece of soggy toast, and you feel relatively indifferent to both him and everyone else in the film. Furthermore, while the film is meant to be set in France (with several characters having French names), others seem English or Irish, and the film never explains any of this. I'm just left scratching my head as to what I'm meant to be looking at, is it just some generic 19th century "European" setting that is an amalgamation of people and cultures from across the continent?

While there are a few scares and chills in this film, it relies more on jump scares than on atmosphere, and ultimatlely they become a bit too predictable. With characters you don't really care for, the nice visuals of the film aren't enough to make you care for what's happening, and ultimately I ended up feeling hollow and unsatisfied by this. Its not a bad film or a B movie per se, but just has little to offer.
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